“Necropolis” the dark arts group show at Congregation Gallery

Oh blog, it’s been too long. Why you ask? Well, because I have been burning the candle at every end possible (I guess that’s 2, but you get the point) with art shows, and work related chaos. I do apologize, and STILL have to get pics up from all the random stuff I’ve been getting myself into lately.

Firstly, the biggest news. My painting was chosen to be included in Necropolis- the dark arts group show at the Congregation Gallery in Los Angeles, California! The opening is this Saturday night at 9pm, and has a RIDICULOUS artist list. I am heading out to Cali Friday so I can attend the opening and experience all the evil within. Hahaha. Cam Rackam curated this very cool art show, and I am super stoked to be included with these bad ass artists!

Necropolis Group Art Show Flyer


Necropolis Artist List

After I get back from LA, it’s my BFF’s bday so I’ll be doing some celebrating, and then Miss Kat Gun will be taking a very much needed lil family vacation. Sigh. Finally. Then it’ll be time for August and my solo show here in Philly and all that lovely end of summer fun!

Much love and sucker punches!


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